WhichBrowser overview - v2.0.18

We took 33364 different user agents and analyzed them with this provider
Group Percent Total Actions
Results found 98.21%
32767 Not detected
Browser names 81.94%
27337 Detected Not detected
Rendering engines 70.2%
23423 Detected Not detected
Operating systems 76.45%
25506 Detected Not detected
Device brands 73.24%
24436 Detected Not detected
Device models 79.98%
26683 Detected Not detected
Device types 93.51%
31198 Detected Not detected
Is mobile 79.88%
26650 Not detected
Is bot 1416 Detected Not detected
Bot names 616 Detected Not detected
Bot types Not available with this provider

About this comparison

The primary goal of this project is simple
I wanted to know which user agent parser is the most accurate in each part - device detection, bot detection and so on...

The secondary goal is to provide a source for all user agent parsers to improve their detection based on this results.

You can also improve this further, by suggesting ideas at ThaDafinser/UserAgentParserComparison

The comparison is based on the abstraction by ThaDafinser/UserAgentParser
Comparison created 2016-05-17 08:26:05 | by ThaDafinser